Locksmith MOMO




Ignition problems with Dodge branded cars have always been Chevrolet is an automotive brand that occupies the fourth place globally. Which means you’re sure to stumble upon vehicles from this company in a city like Montreal. Only, despite its performance, it is often affected by ignition problems. Locksmith Momo, one of the best breakdown centers in this field offers you below its repair or replacement services.

Chevrolet ignition problems in Montreal

Montreal is full of cars of the Chevrolet brand. But this car brand sometimes has contact problems that disrupt the start of the car. This Chevrolet ignition problem is often related to a contact failure. Indeed, there have been several cases where the key remains stuck in the barrel. It goes without saying that often the cause of contact problems is to be seen at the barrel level. And, more than a refusal to start, car keys and locks that are no longer reliable expose the vehicle to the risk of theft. As a result, by bypassing this ignition system, an intruder can stealthily seize your vehicle. If you are already in the case, our company, Serrurier Momo, comes to your rescue by offering you the following options.

Opt for the temporary start of your Chevrolet

Temporary start-up is a short-term solution. However, it is very useful. This solution does not require anything difficult to restart the engine of your Chevrolet.

First, try for example to insert your car key into the ignition and turn it by vibrating it. Secondly, you will need to immerse your car key in a lubricant. We recommend that you opt for the PL-100 which is the most suitable. It makes it easy to rotate the keys in the contacts or in the locks.


Tel: 514 999 4341

Call on our company Serrurier Momo

Nous sommes une entreprise spécialisée dans la serrurerie auto depuis plusieurs années. À Montréal surtout, nous dépannons toute sorte de problèmes d’ignition Chevrolet. À l’aide d’un transpondeur, nous procédons tout d’abord au diagnostic de la panne avant d’apporter une résolution. 
Les solutions de notre équipe de serrurerie peuvent consister en une réparation de contact ou en un remplacement de clé pour vous permettre de reprendre votre trajet. Par ailleurs, dans le cas d’une clé bloquée à l’intérieur du barillet, notre solution sera plutôt d’effectuer une extraction de la clé d’auto. Si par contre tout le système d’ignition Chevrolet se trouve atteint par une éventuelle panne, il faudra plutôt penser à un changement d’ignition. À ce niveau, notre savoir-faire a comblé bon nombre d’attentes des Montréalais.

The defects of a Chevrolet chip wrench in Montreal

It is clear that new technologies are for the most part subject to imperfections that cause consequences for users. The smart wrench was no exception to this reality. Indeed, beyond its multiple advantages, this key is sometimes at the origin of Chevrolet ignition problems. This is usually caused by wear and tear of the contact meshes. It is possible to remedy or prevent these inconveniences by simply replacing the key. Our specialists are at your disposal to offer you a superior service.

Common Problems with Chevrolet Ignition in Montreal

In Montreal, our company Serrurier Momo often encounters three types of ignition problems in Chevrolet vehicles:

  • the car key can fit into the barrel, but cannot move;
  • she persists in not entering the contact correctly;
  • it gets stuck in the ignition of your car.

In any case, our technicians are up to your expectations, no matter what neighborhood you are in Montreal.

It’s winter, it’s minus -20°C. everything freezes, including door locks!
You are in a hurry, the door must open! Alas, the lock is so frozen that the key breaks in the barrel. You look bewildered at the piece of key left between your fingers, and see the other end of the key… always in the lock. What can I do?



Do you have questions about our services or need a locksmith? I would be happy to answer your questions and be able to direct you to the best possible option, depending on your needs and your budget. Do not hesitate to contact us, at any time! You just have to fill out the form below.

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