Urgence serrurier auto
Based in the Montreal area, Serrurier Momo is a BSP approved company in the field of troubleshooting and unlocking doors to houses, condos, commercial buildings and cars. And precisely, when it comes to vehicle locks, we solve the Kia ignition problem perfectly. Here is an overview of our services in Montreal, the main city of Quebec.
It is not uncommon to encounter ignition problems with starting cars. Taking the example of Kia (a brand with a strong presence in Montreal), despite the transition from the traditional chip key with standard cuts to the chip wrench with a high-security cut, there are still recurring problems that prevent cars from starting. These inconveniences probably require the rapid intervention of a specialist in order to find you an adequate solution.
Several situations are at the root of this state of affairs. Maybe the key doesn’t fit well in the car ignition or lock, or maybe the key fits nicely and well into the barrel, but doesn’t turn. In any case, do not panic if you are in one of the 32 sociological neighborhoods of Montreal. Contact us, and you will get a quick answer.
But in the meantime, we advise you to make a temporary start by switching PL-100 lubricant to your Kia key. This can rotate the key in the lock. However, if the ignition problem persists, it is necessary to think about contact repair. Or, key replacement is to be considered. In both cases, we put our expertise at your disposal.
By definition, a chip key is a contact key that has circuits integrated into the chip. It must be admitted that these modern keys are full of advantages such as making car theft more complicated. Only, they are not without prejudice. The biggest problem with these tools is that they require a lot of expense and are much less easy to replace than conventional keys.
Serrurier Momo offers its services of broken key repair, car key duplication. We are also essential in terms of transponder key programming, car key extraction. Our competence is proven on the most technological locks, locks, barrels including connected locks. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need a key replacement or reprogramming.
En ce qui concerne les problèmes récurrents avec l’ignition Kia que vous pouvez rencontrer, sachez qu’ils sont fonction du type de clé. Mais de façon générale, le problème auquel vous serez confronté avec l’ignition est le blocage des portes. Premièrement, il peut arriver que la clé rentre dans le barillet, mais ne tourne pas. D’un autre côté, la clé peut ne pas bien rentrer dans le contact de véhicule. Parfois, la clé reste coincée dans le contact de la voiture et donc impossible de l’enlever et de bloquer les portes.
Si vous vous retrouvez dans l’une de ces situations à Montréal, les experts de Serrurier Momo peuvent vous être très utiles. Qu’il s’agisse du remboursement de l’ignition de votre voiture, de l’extraction d’une clé de contact d’automobile, ou encore d’un service de réparation de contact sur place, nous sommes disponibles pour vous donner entière satisfaction. Nous offrons des solutions d’urgence pour la clé bloquée à l’entrée. Serrurier Momo est la meilleure entreprise de dépannage de serrurier automobile à Montréal. Avec nous, vous avez la possibilité de réparer votre contact sur place ou de venir chez nous en magasin pour le changer.
It’s winter, it’s minus -20°C. everything freezes, including door locks!
You are in a hurry, the door must open! Alas, the lock is so frozen that the key breaks in the barrel. You look bewildered at the piece of key left between your fingers, and see the other end of the key… always in the lock. What can I do?
Do you have questions about our services or need a locksmith? I would be happy to answer your questions and be able to direct you to the best possible option, depending on your needs and your budget. Do not hesitate to contact us, at any time! You just have to fill out the form below.